Name: GayGamer911
Age: 19
Location: South Africa
Timezone: (UTC+02:00) Harare, Pretoria
Join date: 27 November 2011
Forum Join date: December 02, 2011
Current rank: Recruit
Reason for application: I have been playing for 3 weeks now, and all the griefing I've seen happen
to others and myself, esspecially on the Guest server has mostly motivated me
to try and become an OP, I have little building experience BUT I love helping others
I tennd to just randomly start and help Guest players building, just because I Love
helping where I can. Doing it as a recruit is hard, I have no power to kick or 'ban'
other players destroying a guest's hard work, yes we do have OP's but as noted not
enough to go around. So I just want to be a OP to help others, to help everyone, guest
to crafter to have a happy Classic Server Experience everyday.
Why you should become an operator: I have a lot of time on my hands and very little to do, I play minecraft
almost all day long and I really Love it, its the best game on the planet.
I am very good with helping, I can work fast as well, I have uncapped
internet so I'm always available for help. I'm very friendy as well.
And I'm also a resposible person. I would like to have the oppertunity
to help others
Have you been temp-op before?: No